Tag Archives: crow

Crow Totem

091104 Installation_05_adj

Forty crows flew, perched,  squarked around this mound… when I climbed up and pushed a spinal bone into the ground, the crows abandonned the site. After 10 minutes, two curious crows returned to check out the alien object.

Black Crow Totem

Black Crow Totem, Innamincka 2009. Video Still. Cinematographer: Julia Featherstone

090921 Black Crow Totem, nnamincka

I’m currently editing my HD video footage  Black Crows, taken near our campsite at Burkes Grave, Innamincka, Simpson Desert, Saturday 18th July,2009, late afternoon.

I loved driving out alone among the Jump Ups, gibbers and crows, in our new Turbo Charged Land Cruiser. The Cruiser lived up to its name, cruising along like a small light car…  it was soooooo easy to handle, with all that torque!!!!! Our old 1991 Cruiser (just traded in) drove like a bull-dozer, and more…….!!

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090921 Black Crow Totem-02